Developing a winning smile

According to a recent University of North Carolina study… “Males with perfectly aligned pearly whites are associated with qualities such as dominance, strength, and social competance”.

So to help you develop a winning smile, here are a few safe and effective steps you can take:

Whitening Toothpastes
will lift superficial stains, scrubs off the daily residue left by coffee or red wine but won’t get rid of deeper discoloration 5 minutes a day $3.50 – $20 per tube

Halogen Lamp
most effective procedure to get noticeably whiter natural looking teeth can take up to an hour and a half (Repeat once a year)
Approx. – $600

Custom-fit Trays
will get your teeth about as white as the lamp will, but the peroxide will not penetrate as deep two visits to the dentist for molds and then two weeks of wearing the trays (Repeat every 6 mos.)
Approx. – $400