How to Avoid Pit Stains

We’ve all had it happen to us before – sweating more than we’d like to at the office… and you know what that means – pit stains! Needless to say, you want to avoid them at all costs.Pit stains generally make you look as if you’re nervous. Secondly, having pit stains will probably make you self-conscious which will in turn make you more nervous. When you do have pit stains, you’ll probably self-restrict your movements since you’ll probably try to avoid having anyone see that you’ve been sweating so much. The question is, what can you do to avoid pit stains? In this post, that’s exactly what we’ll discuss.

First and foremost, you should avoid a shirt that is too tight. The tighter your shirt, the more likely you are to sweat. Studies have also shown that uncomfortable clothing leads to lower mental performance – so the tight shirt is a doubly bad.

Secondly, if you tend to sweat a lot, you should probably stick to cotton. Cotton tends to absorb sweat and so this will generally help. Wearing an cotton undershirt will cut moisture. Polyester is a moisture wicking fabric – avoid it if you have trouble with pit stains. It’s not just the fabric type that you can focus on – you can also obviously wear darker fabrics so that when you do sweat, it’s not as obvious.

It goes without saying that you should wear antiperspirant and not just plain deodorant. The antiperspirant will help prevent sweating and you can even get one that deodorizes at the same time. Finally, trimming your arm-pits will help. We’re not saying shave them… but trimming them so they are shorter will definitely help your skin breath better.

Stay Cool!